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So far bluma has created 156 blog entries.
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Camp Shalva 2019 – Sleepaway

By |2019-08-25T09:14:55+02:00August 5th, 2019|Updates|

The highlight of everyone's year, Camp Shalva, the sleep-away part, is like no other. Over 200 children with disabilities (out of 300 overall camp participants) participate in the sleepaway camp, just as many staff members and volunteers, activities non stop, and a full week of respite for their families. The children and staff spent an [...]

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Support for the Entire Family

By |2019-08-05T14:47:24+02:00July 31st, 2019|Updates|

Although it is natural to focus on the child with special needs, often other family members are overlooked. Part of Shalva's ethos is that it is extremely important to support all members of the family. For that reason, various departments in Shalva have recently had events for members of the extended family. Grandmothers of our [...]

Shalva’s National Crisis Center in Action

By |2023-12-18T11:14:38+02:00July 23rd, 2019|Updates|

Shalva is Israel's official National Crisis Response Center for People with Disabilities. The Center provides people with disabilities from across the country with comprehensive services in times of crisis. The center assures their physical safety and rehabilitative stability, accompanied with social and emotional support. This initiative was developed by Shalva in partnership with the IDF's [...]

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If We Succeeded, So Can You – Shalva’s Cover Girls

By |2019-07-08T14:49:57+02:00July 8th, 2019|Updates|

Talented Musicians as Instruments of Social Change The two soloists of the Shalva Band, Anael Khalifa and Dina Samteh were featured on the cover of La'Isha, a leading women's magazine in Israel, in the wake of the Shalva band's resounding success on the Star is Born competition on television, which led up the the band's [...]

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Sports at Shalva – growing by leaps and bounds

By |2019-07-03T09:56:56+02:00June 18th, 2019|Updates|

Sports plays a big role in Shalva's programs. Our judo program continues to be a favorite. Under the direction of Olympic medalist Judoka Ori Sasson, the students continue to develop their skills, and recently graduated to the next level, receiving their yellow belts. We were privileged to have a visit from Moshe Ponte, former Olympic [...]

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Shalva Receives Two Prestigious Honors

By |2019-06-17T15:39:32+02:00June 17th, 2019|Updates|

Shalva receives prestigious honors from Bar Ilan University and Ruppin Academic College Kalman Samuels, founder of Shalva recently received an honorary doctorate and esteemed fellowship awards from two Israeli academic institutions - the titles of Honorary Doctor of Philosophy from Bar-Ilan University and Esteemed Fellow from the Ruppin Academic Center. The award ceremonies took place [...]

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Conference on Very Early Intervention

By |2019-06-10T15:25:41+02:00June 10th, 2019|Updates|

Shalva's Conference on Very Early Intervention for infants with disabilities took place on June 3 and was an amazing success. It was attended by over 200 disability professionals and was sold out quickly. The majority of lecturers were our own Shalva staff because they truly are THE experts in this field. Shalva's Me and My [...]

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Shalva Band Wins the Hearts of the World at the Eurovision

By |2019-06-10T14:54:29+02:00June 10th, 2019|Updates|

The celebrated Israeli Shalva Band performed as guest artists at the Eurovision Semifinals, bringing the international audience to their feet with roaring applause and not a dry eye left in the theater. The band was introduced as, "One of the most beloved musical acts in Israel," due to their inspiring messages of inclusion, their exemplary [...]

An Extraordinary Culinary Experience

By |2019-05-08T09:12:03+02:00May 8th, 2019|Updates|

Young Adults with Disabilities Prepared a Meal for Holocaust Survivors Translated and excerpted from a Ynet article by Inbar Tvizer May 1, 2019 A group of students of culinary arts, who have disabilities, hosted some thirty Holocaust survivors at a dinner that they prepared, and heard their testimonies. “We are accustomed to receiving from [...]

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