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So far bluma has created 156 blog entries.

Off to the Races! Jerusalem Marathon 2019

By |2019-05-05T13:51:01+02:00March 27th, 2019|Updates|

It was magical!  It was exciting! It was record-breaking!  This year, for the tenth year, Shalva led the Jerusalem Marathon with the largest contingent.  Some 650 runners came from across the world, joining forces with some 1000 runners here in Israel, to represent Shalva and run for hope, love, dignity and opportunity. The runners ran [...]

Home Sweet Home

By |2019-03-27T13:14:25+02:00March 27th, 2019|Updates|

Shalva's first apartment for women with disabilities has opened its doors. This is the third apartment for adults with disabilities that Shalva has opened, and more are in the planning stages. These beautiful independent living apartments afford the residents an opportunity to build their futures and be participating members of their communities.  Enveloped by professional [...]

The Riklis – Cooperberg Culinary Institute (RCCI)

By |2021-10-14T14:31:57+02:00March 27th, 2019|Updates|

Shalva launched its first culinary course to train and prepare young adults with disabilities for future employment within the food industry including restaurants, hotels, catering businesses, and other food service institutions. The initiative is being underwritten by Ira Riklis and his daughter Dr. Jordana Cooperberg. “We like how Shalva thinks outside the box when it [...]

Snoezelen Therapy and Snoezelen Training at Shalva

By |2019-08-05T11:35:26+02:00February 6th, 2019|Updates|

Snoezelen MSE (Multi Sensory Environments) are relaxing gentle sensory environments which are used both to calm and to stimulate. The Snoezelen rooms are used as part of early intervention programs such as Me and Mommy for sensory stimulation, to promote communication, and as a calming place for both baby and mother.  For the older children, [...]

Prime Minister Netanyahu’s remarks to foreign journalists at annual GPO conference held at Shalva includes unexpected message about equality and the human soul.

By |2019-01-15T14:13:42+02:00January 15th, 2019|Updates|

The Israeli Government Press Office hosted its annual New Year’s Toast for foreign journalists at Shalva, with the participation of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. 300 foreign journalists from thirty countries attended the conference which coincided with the United Nations’ International Day of Persons with Disabilities and appropriately took place at the Shalva National Center, one [...]

Watch The Shalva Band on The Rising Star

By |2019-02-11T09:13:12+02:00January 3rd, 2019|Updates|

The Shalva Band performed on this season of The Rising Star in Israel. The winner of the reality TV contest represents Israel at Eurovision Song Contest in Tel Aviv in May 2019 (no pressure at all! ????). The band were a firm favorite of judges and audiences alike and reached the finals. They respectfully [...]

Ambassador David Friedman Celebrates Chanukah with Shalva’s Children

By |2018-12-12T15:31:52+02:00December 12th, 2018|Updates|

U.S. Ambassador to Israel, David M. Friedman and his wife Tammy visited Shalva on Sunday to participate in the lighting of the eighth candle of Chanukah and to distribute gifts to the children.  At one point the Ambassador said, I must find another way of saying amazing because that is all I can think of. [...]

American Friends of Shalva Receives Charity Navigator’s Highest Rating

By |2018-12-12T12:01:49+02:00December 12th, 2018|Updates|

American Friends of Shalva was awarded the highest possible rating by Charity Navigator for upholding exemplary standards in financial accountability and transparency. This is the third consecutive year that Shalva has received this exceptional status. According to the financial experts at Charity Navigator, “Attaining a 4-star rating verifies that American Friends of Shalva Israel exceeds [...]

Shalva Tea – A Heart Warming Cooperation

By |2018-12-12T12:10:02+02:00December 4th, 2018|Updates|

Shalva Tea was founded by David Ross, a committed environmentalist with a Master’s Degree in Forestry from Yale University. Throughout his fieldwork in Israel, Ross would stumble upon an abundance of native aromatic herbs, and bring them home to drink as relaxing teas. As an avid forager and herbal enthusiast, Ross did not find any [...]

Heroes in Uniform 

By |2018-12-12T12:10:12+02:00December 4th, 2018|Updates|

Recently, the Ofek group at Shalva was thrilled to have a visit by representatives of the Israel Police Force. Following individual group activities with the police officers, the officers met with the entire program together. Sappers showed the children the remote control robot that analyzes and neutralizes suspicious items or bombs. Forensics officers explained to [...]

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