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So far bluma has created 156 blog entries.

Shalva Band Represents Israel at Eton College Interfaith Concert

By |2018-12-12T12:04:00+02:00December 4th, 2018|Updates|

Amidst rigorous academics; the students of Eton College in England, dressed in suits with tails, paused their studies for a musical performance by the Shalva Band and learned a most unique lesson on inclusion and hope. Comprised of especially talented musicians with disabilities from Israel, the Shalva Band has become an international model for values [...]

Shalva Band Closes the 2018 GA Assembly

By |2018-12-12T12:03:45+02:00December 4th, 2018|Updates|

Powerful Performance Sends Take Home Message of the GA: The importance of dialogue is fundamentally linked to the importance of listening to one another The General Assembly, an annual gathering of the top Jewish leaders from Israel and North American, was held this year at the Tel Aviv Convention Center from Oct. 22-24. This year's [...]

AIPAC Mission Explores Innovation in Integration 

By |2018-12-12T12:03:22+02:00December 4th, 2018|Updates|

Over 150 members of AIPAC’s North American Leadership spent the morning at the Shalva National Center where they learned about Israel’s leading innovations in the field of disabilities. The audience were blown away by the fantastic Shalva Band which comprises eight adults with disabilities who performed both the American and Israeli National anthems and a [...]

Conquering Kilimanjaro for Shalva

By |2018-12-12T12:03:00+02:00December 4th, 2018|Updates|

After battling cancer, Mark Joffe faced another challenge, as he joined an international group of climbers and headed to Tanzania, Africa to climb the 19,000 ft. high Mt. Kilimanjaro; but not before dedicating his climb to the children of Shalva. Mark was determined to making his journey as meaningful as possible and raised three times [...]

Summer Camp 2018: Great Success!

By |2018-12-12T12:01:32+02:00August 15th, 2018|Updates|

Shalva's summer camp, held in the first week of August, was a great success. Hundreds of children and their counselors had an amazing, much needed respite, "sleep away" experience with outings, adventures, connection and fun! The camp allowed the Shalva kids to have a special summer experience and gave their parents a period of respite. [...]

Shalva National Center Approaching Two Year Anniversary

By |2018-12-12T12:01:22+02:00August 14th, 2018|Updates|

The upcoming academic year will marks two years since Shalva National Center opened its doors in the heart of  Jerusalem. What started out as a dream has since become our new reality. The new Shalva National Center has helped thousands of children and their families, held incredible events and special celebrations and hosted tens of thousands of [...]

Shalva Represents Israel at International Children’s Games

By |2018-12-12T12:00:31+02:00August 12th, 2018|Updates|

Shalva graduates Ortal Karp, Raphael Cohen and Tal Kima were thrilled to be invited to carry the official flag at the opening of the International Children's Games competition- which was held this summer in Israel ( for the first time ever!) Ortal, Raphael and Tal also performed on the stage as representatives of the Israeli delegation.  [...]

Maccabi Youth Share a Day of Sport with Shalva

By |2018-12-12T11:59:34+02:00August 8th, 2018|Updates|

Maccabi came to visit! But this was no small tour.  Shalva hosted over 550  athletes, ages fourteen through sixteen, from eleven countries around the world (wow!) at  the Shalva national center as part of a cooperative program with Maccabi World Union.  The Maccabi World Union, which hosted the Maccabi Youth Games in July and August in [...]

Shalva Opens First Independent Living Apartment

By |2018-12-12T12:00:01+02:00August 8th, 2018|Updates|

After much preparation and anticipation, Shalva's first independent living home opened this past summer. The apartment is designed and set up in such a way which allows the residents to successfully integrate and participate in community life. Each resident has gained a sense of pride- as they too have taken the next step in adulthood, living independently from [...]

The Shalva Band Performs At Google

By |2018-06-12T10:57:06+02:00June 12th, 2018|Updates|

The Shalva Band performed at Talks at Google on March 19th.  After a brief introduction by a Google team member, who said he had seen the band perform earlier that year and was impressed with their talent and professionalism, Shalva's founder Kalman Samuels spoke about the origins of Shalva and how the Shalva Band began. [...]

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