
SHALVA Updates & Interesting Stuff

Shalva Band Launches New Single – TOUCH

By |2020-07-22T11:09:32+02:00July 22nd, 2020|Updates|

The COVID-19 outbreak resulted in tens of cancelled performances for the Shalva Band, as well as a cancelled tour in the United States. The new reality which resulted from the COVID-19 outbreak; however, led to new opportunities, including a collaboration with the famous Israeli composer and conductor Kobi Oshrat. The Shalva Band and Oshrat recently [...]

Shalva Culinary Institute – C’est Magnifique!!

By |2020-03-25T23:45:18+02:00February 16th, 2020|Updates|

All budding chefs dream of meeting and learning from a Michelin star chef so no one was more thrilled than our culinary school graduates who last week met and prepared pastries alongside Chef Christophe Tuloup of Lyon, France. The event was a part of So French So Food - the French culinary week in Israel and we are honored [...]

Shalva Colors Jerusalem with Hope for Chanukah

By |2020-02-13T18:42:41+02:00February 13th, 2020|Updates|

As millions of Jews around the world gathered to celebrate the festival of lights with candle lighting ceremonies, the city of Jerusalem took on the mandate of “lighting up the night” to a whole new level with the unprecedented gesture of illuminating city landmarks in recognition of Shalva's work. Timed to coincide with a special [...]

Shalva Band at the IAC Convention

By |2019-12-11T13:52:45+02:00December 11th, 2019|Updates|

Shalva Band Performs Before Thousands at Florida Convention The Shalva Band continued their world-wide tour with a performance before nearly 4000 attendees at the Israeli-American Council (IAC) in Hollywood, Florida.  The IAC National Summit 2019 brought together a diverse group of Israeli-Americans, Jewish Americans, and Israelis for critical dialogue, and inspiring sessions. Participating and speaking [...]

UN Comes to Shalva

By |2019-11-20T14:32:31+02:00November 20th, 2019|Updates|

UN Human Rights Council Comes to Shalva to Experience Humanity at its Best Ambassadors from across the globe recognize Shalva's disability care and inclusion programs as models of human dignity, inspiration for social services in other countries. Ambassadors representing countries from 4 continents, comprising the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva visited the Shalva National [...]

“Chalomot shelo Chalamti” – The Story of Shalva

By |2020-09-09T14:28:00+02:00September 12th, 2019|Updates|

Kalman Samuels releases his memoir book, telling his life story of triumph and hope. Jerusalem, Israel, September 6, 2019 - Dreams Never Dreamed, by Kalman Samuels was formally launched on September 6, 2019 at a private event at the Shalva National Center in Jerusalem, attended by 250 of Shalva's closest friends. The book launch event [...]

Sharing Professional Knowledge

By |2019-09-02T16:16:04+02:00September 2nd, 2019|Updates|

Shalva Presents at the Conference of the Israel Chapter of ISAAC - The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication   Augmentative and alternative communication (AAC) helps millions worldwide who cannot rely on their natural speech to communicate.  The International Society for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (ISAAC) works to improve the lives of children and [...]

Part of Jerusalem’s Art Scene

By |2019-08-15T13:47:30+02:00August 15th, 2019|Updates|

Should you have visited one of the most popular art fairs in Jerusalem over the summer, you would have seen the most incredible display of handmade, whimsical ceramics, intricate jewelry pieces and packaged boutique teas.   All these products and more created by members of Shalva's Creative Workshop, adults with disabilities, who have been working [...]

An Award from the Mayor of Jerusalem

By |2019-08-06T13:14:17+02:00August 6th, 2019|Updates|

The department of recreation and leisure of the Jerusalem municipality has a division for people with special needs, whose goal is promote inclusion of people with special needs into society by way of recreational and cultural activities.  As part of this program, every spring, Jerusalem has the Festival Tzamid, in which there are all sorts [...]

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